

Simple Photography Practice

The focus of this picture is the markings on the radiator where areas of paint have worn/chipped away. There is a very shallow depth of field so that your eye is automatically brought to these markings. This is furthered by the used of the rule of thirds to have one of the markings in the centre of the photo to bring your eye into the photo.

This photo is focussed on another set of markings, this time on an iron gate. Again, the depth of field is quite shallow and I have used the rule of thirds to play the markings in the centre so that your eyes focus on them.

This photo has quite a deep focus which allows you to see the background clearer than in the previous photos. The points of interest are the light post and the chair which are at the centre of the photo. 

For this photo, the chains are the focus, the darkness of them contrasting with the light background and making them stand out. The background does distract from them, however, as the light reflecting on the chair brings your attention to it and the rest of the background.

The leading lines of the chains within this photo bring your attention to where they connect to the ground at the centre of the photo. The light exposure on the floor contrasts with the dark chains, causing them to stand out further.

The contrast in tone between the tap and the rest of the photo, coupled with the shallow depth of field, makes the tap the focal point of this photo. Also, the angle at which it was taken emphasises the leading lines within it.

The exposure in this photo is quite light, causing the branches and background to contrast in tone from the stump at the centre and make it the focus of the photo.

The depth of field in this photo is shallow so that only the tree branches are in focus. The green of the branches is quite saturated and contrasts with the dullness of the background, making the photo more interesting.

The symmetry of the tire juxtaposes the lack of it through the hole, causing the background to stand out. Furthermore, the light exposure of the background contrasts with the tone of the tire, aiding the previous point.

The exposure in the photo is slightly dark. Instead of using the rule of thirds to have the tire at the centre of the photo, it is placed in the bottom third, making the photo more interesting by having the focus slightly off centre. Furthermore, the blue of the rope and green of the grass are quite saturated, bring life to the photo. 

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