
Ten Main Photography Photos


The main focus of the photo is the tattoos on the model’s arms. To help bring the attention to them and make that colours stand out, I had the model stand against a plain background and also used a large depth of field so that all of him was in focus. 

The model is stood in the centre, facing the camera with his arms crossed. The photo is framed so that it cuts off just below his arms and above his head to indicate his upper body is the focus of the photo. The model’s arms are crossed so that more of the tattoos can be seen. 

I used the rule of thirds by having the model in the centre thirds to make them the focus of the image and add an element of symmetry within the photo. 

The shot is steady and the exposure is even so that the subject can be seen clearly. I did not use leading lines within the photo.


The foreground is the focus of the picture as that is where the tattoo is located. To help bring the focus to it, I had the light source aimed towards the area with the tattoo so that the background had a slight shadow and so contrasts with the light on the tattoo, making it stand out. 

The model is stood with his body turned slightly towards the camera so that part of the tattoo on the arm can be seen but the section on his chest can as well. The photo is framed so that it cuts off just above the shoulder and below the model's peck so that the chest and upper arm sections of the tattoo are the focus. 

The model is within all thirds of the picture, but the tattoo is only in the centre and right thirds, making it stand out from the bare skin of the model and the plain grey background. 

The shot is steady and evenly exposed so that you can easily see the details within the tattoo. I did not use leading lines within the photo.


The main focus of the photo is the foreground where the flower on the model’s hand is which is why it is in the centre thirds and the depth of field is shallow. 

The light source is aimed towards the right side of the model’s body, creating the shadow in the left third of the picture that contrasts with the light on the model, adding depth to the photo. Moreover, the shadows and light both reflect onto the models arm and hand at the centre of the photo, making it the balance between the two and so furthering it as the focus of the photo.

The model's body is turned slightly away from the camera, while his forearm and hand are faced directly towards it, indicating that it is the focus of the image. The photo is cut off just above the hand and halfway over the forearm to indicate that the tattoo on the hand is the focus but also show that the tattoo continues down the arm in the same geometric pattern.

The shot is steady and the exposure is even so that the detail of the tattoo can be easily seen. I used the leading lines of the outline of the model's forearm to lead the attention upwards to the tattoo on the hand.


The main focus of the photo is the tattoos on the model's forearm and hand as they are in the foreground. The depth of field is shallow and the background is plain to help enforce this. 

The model is turned slightly away from the camera but his arm is directly facing it.The model's chest and upper arm give a more colourful backdrop that contrasts with the plain wall behind the model and so causes the tattoos to stand out. 

Moreover, the photo is framed so that it cuts off just above where the tattoo ends on the hand and just above the model's elbow to show that the tattoo on the forearm is the main focus.

Furthermore, the positioning of the forearm creates leading lines on the outline of it that force the eye to travel up the length of the arm to the hand and so helps the viewer to take in the whole tattoo (the focus).

I have used the rule of thirds in this photo by having the model cover the centre and righthand thirds of the photo to help enhance this contrast because the lefthand thirds are empty. 

The shot is steady and the exposure is even so that you can see all of the details within the tattoo.


The focus of this picture is the tattoo of the name. To help bring the attention to it, the model's arm is positioned so that the name is at the centre of the photo's thirds and the depth of focus is shallow so that the tattoos surrounding the name are slightly out of focus. 

The photo is framed so that it cuts off the elbow and wrist to have the name at the centre. Some of the rest of the forearm is shown to give context to where the tattoo is and so that the black of the tattoo can stand out from the colours. The background of the photo is very plain to juxtapose the colour of the tattoos and further make them stand out. 

Furthermore, the light source is shining onto the name which also brings the focus to it and contrasts with the shadow on the background in the bottom left.

The shot is steady and the exposure is even so that you can see the tattoo clearly. Lastly, I did not use leading lines within the photo.


The Superman Symbol tattoo is the focal point of this photo. This is made very clear by the fact that it takes up the majority of the foreground and that the background is blurred - forcing the viewer to look at the tattoo.

The photo is framed so that it cuts off below and above the symbol to enforce that it is the focus. The model's arm is directly facing the camera so that all of the tattoo can be seen and the tattoo itself is positioned within the centre and left thirds with the right-hand thirds blank of any tattoo which creates contrast with the other thirds and makes them stand out, causing the tattoo to stand out further to the viewer.

The light source shining on the left of the model's arm is slightly overexposed which contrasts with the darker tones in the right-hand thirds and so causes the tattoo to stand out as it is is in between and has a balance of shadow and light that is more pleasing to the eye. 

The shot itself is steady to allow the viewer to clearly see the details within the tattoo. I did not use any leading lines in this photo.


The background was slightly distracting, so I made the depth of field shallow to make sure it wasn't in focus in order to bring the attention to the tattoo in the foreground. However, the red within the background compliments the warm red tones of the model's skins and freckles which helps bring a balance to the photo. This also makes the black of the tattoo stand out and bring the viewers focus to it which is important because it is the main focus of the photo. 

The shot is steady and the exposure is even to help the viewer see the different aspects of the tattoo - the Darth Maul inspired symbols, the Rebel's symbol, and the number 13. Also, the model's arm is positioned so that the viewer can better see the number incorporated into the tattoo as it holds a lot of meaning to the model.

The shot is framed so that the area of the model's arm with the tattoo can be seen as well as some of the background. The tattoo is the main focus which is why the background is blurred, however, the background is important because it adds balance to the photo.

I have not used the rule of thirds or leading lines within this photo.


The focus of the phot is the cat tattoo on the model's hip. The depth of field is shallow so that the background is blurred but the tattoo is in focus to help bring the viewer's attention to it. Also, the tattoo is mainly within the centre thirds to help enforce this. Furthermore, the black of the tattoo stands out against the model's skin which further helps to bring the focus to it.

The photo is framed so that it cuts off just above and below the tattoo and so that there is some space to the left and right of it to give the viewer context as to where the tattoo is located. The tattoo itself is within the centre thirds of the photo to further communicate it is the focal point.

The exposure is even and the shot is steady so that the tattoo can be seen clearly. I did not use leading lines within this photo. 


The focus of this photo is the two pawprint tattoos on the model's wrist. I have used leading lines from the model's arm coupled with the direction of the pawprints to help bring the attention towards the tattoo. I have also used a shallow depth of field so that only the model's arm is in focus to help this.

The warm hues of the model's skin are complimented by the blue of her jeans in the background but also contrast with the shadows and grey of the wall which helps to make the arm stand out and so brings attention to the tattoo. Moreover, I have used the rule of thirds to have the tattoo in the centre third which alsol helps bring the focus to it.

The shot is clear and the exposure is even to make it easy for the viewer to see the tattoo.


The fairy is the focus of this picture. The model is in the foreground and almost entirely covers the background which helps bring attention to the tattoo because it stands out against the model's skin. It is also complemented by the model's freckles which help give a more colourful look to the fairy's skin. 

The black of the tattoo stands out and helps bring attention to it while the yellow, green, and pink colours in the tattoo compliment the tones of the model's skin which help create a tonal balance. 

I have used the rule of thirds to have the fairy covering the centre and lefthand thirds while the righthand thirds are empty to make the tattoo stand out but also to go with the direction the fairy is facing and the butterfly is flying. The empty space helps create the illusion that the butterfly is flying away.

The shot is steady to make it easy to see the tattoo clearly. The photo is slightly overexposed due to the bright light source which adds a slightly ethereal look to the fairy which is fitting because a fairy is a mystical creature.

I did not use any leading lines within this photo.
