
Edited Photos

To enhance this photo, I increased the hue and saturation of the colours within it to help make the tattoos stand out by making them more vibrant, as well as deepened the contrast slighting to help add more depth to the photo. I increased the aqua tones within the photo which brought them out within the light shining on the model's right arm and so strengthening the link between the foreground and the background of the photo by having there be similar tints and colours between them.

To improve this photo, I increased the whites and highlights as well as the red tones in order to create a stronger visual representation of the feeling and meaning behind the tattoo - a lighthearted memory of a beloved pet. To help further develop this, I added a light pink and blue tint to the photo. Due to bringing in a blue tint, I increased the blue tones within the photo in order to even the colour balance out. Furthermore, the increase in white tones and highlights creates a contrast with the background of the photo which further makes the foreground stand out and bring the attention to the tattoo.


To elevate this photo, I increased the red tones to strengthen the colour of the symbol as well as create a more prominent connection to it and the skin tones of the model. I also increased the saturation and luminance of the yellow tones within the symbol to further help it to stand out. Considering what the symbol represents - hope - I thought it was necessary to make sure that it was vibrant and stood out from the photo and that the light shining onto the symbol could be interpreted as a light shining on the good (the hope) within the world. Furthermore, I also brought out a blue tint within the light to incorporate the blue of Superman's suit. Lastly, I slightly cropped the photo so that less of the background could be seen and the tattoo took up more of the photo to further enstate it as the focus.

To enhance this photo, I first increased the red tones within in, especially within the background, in order to represent the connotation of the colour red with the Darth Maul symbols within the tattoo. I also made a similar representation stronger but for the Rebellion symbol by creating a blue tint to the light shining on it - blue representing the colour of Luke Skywalker's original lightsaber.



To further develop the photo, I made the saturation of all of the different colours of the tattoo much stronger in order to make them stand out more. To help this, I also altered the tones of the colours to make them slightly darker as well as increased the vibrancy of the photo. I also increased the shadows, blacks, and contrast of the photo to make the model and tattoos further stand out from the background and bring attention to them. Lastly, I increased the red within the skin tone so that it fits more with the saturation of the tattoo.
